17 products
Alimentator pentru Monitor VideoInterfon Mentor SY078 15V 2A 30W 2 pini 1m

Alimentator pentru Monitor VideoInterfon Mentor SY078 15V 2A 30W 2 pini 1m

Product Details

Alimentator, Incarcator pentru Monitor, VideoInterfon Mentor SY078 15V 2A 30W 2 pini L=1mTensiune alimentare: 220VPutere: 30WIesire Voltaj: 15VCapacitate: 2ACuloare: NegruTip produs: Alimentator Monitor, InterfonVideo SmartGreutate: 75gAtentie! - De la acest alimentator se pot alimenta doar monitoarele, interfoanelevideo, unitatile externe Mentor componente ale sistemelor smart wireless.
17 products

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4.29 (17 Reviews)

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