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Aparat pentru facut iaurt Zilan ZLN6104 Gri, afisaj LED, timer, termostat reglabil

Aparat pentru facut iaurt Zilan ZLN6104 Gri, afisaj LED, timer, termostat reglabil

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Product Details

Aparat pentru facut iaurt Zilan ZLN6104 Gri, afisaj LED, timer, termostat reglabil Caracteristici: Control electronic digital Timer intre 1 si 48 ore Afisaj LED Termostat reglabil intre 22 si 55 grade Putere 25W 8 borcane de sticla de 180 ml fiecare Dimensiuni: Latime 33 cm Adancime 19 cm Inaltime 10.5 cm
100 products

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4.29 (17 Reviews)

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