690 products
Carcasa Fractal Design Core 2300 (Neagra)

Carcasa Fractal Design Core 2300 (Neagra)

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Product Details

carcasa compacta ATX Mid Tower cu panel frontal din plastic (aspect brushed aluminum), SECC body, compatibila cu mATX/ Mini ITX/ ATX, 2 drive bay de 5.25inch, 1x USB 3.0, 1 x USB 2.0 si Audio I/O, include doua ventilatoare de 120mm, suporta racire pe apa cu radiator de 240mm sau 280mm, culoare neagra, suporta placi video cu lungimea de 380mm cu HDD bay scos, suporta coolere cu inaltimea de 162 mm, filtre de praf, dimensiuni: 195mm(W)x431mm(H)x450mm(D)
690 products

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