1122 products
Aspirator Robot Samsung JetBot+, Clean Station, 60W, Motor Digital Inverter, Senzor Li-Dar, Senzor trepte, Wi-Fi, Filtrare 99.999%, Select & Go, No go Zone, Aspirare uscată, 0.3L Aspirator/ 2.5L Statia, Alb

Aspirator Robot Samsung JetBot+, Clean Station, 60W, Motor Digital Inverter, Senzor Li-Dar, Senzor trepte, Wi-Fi, Filtrare 99.999%, Select & Go, No go Zone, Aspirare uscată, 0.3L Aspirator/ 2.5L Statia, Alb

2838.09 lei
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Product Details

Tip Aparat: Aspirator robot, Putere (W): 60, Tip de aspirare: Uscata, Capacitate (l): 0.3, Tip alimentare: Acumulator
1122 products

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4.29 (17 Reviews)

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